Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ziggy Vid

As promised, footage of my darling Ziggy <3 He's the large, skinny grey dog that starts barking. His 'little' sister Fanny is the big brown dog. The small brown dog is coco, and the little white one, if he shows up there, I can't remember, is Fluffy.

Also, that's my mom xD

Friday, February 25, 2011

In case anyone's interested...

I've switched DeviantArt accounts. I'm now going by TurtleBiscuit.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I don't know why I'm doing this, buuut...

For some reason, I've been compelled to rewrite all my Kotone stuff with.. you know, NOT my 9th grade writer skills. A lot has changed xD; Here's what I have so far:

A steady stream of frigid rain beat down upon the village, and it was as if each drop took a frantic breath as it hurtled towards the crowded square below. Each sharp, panicked inhalation swept a wisp of fog from the air, and dragged it along, unwilling, until the air was clear between the grey sky and the greying corpses below.

Neatly positioned rows of fallen ninja, newly returned from the Second Great War, waited on the hulking pyre that refused to catch, and the still-living ninja who milled about it, cursing, as each powerful breath of charka-made flame went wasted. They were fully absorbed in their task across the abandoned stretch of road, she told herself, and despite her occasional cautions sideways glance in their direction, the child was left alone to pick her way between the bodies, stomach knotted and heart quick. It didn’t take long to spot what she had hoped she wouldn’t find.

“Father?” There was no response as the girl sank carefully to her knees beside him. The girl furrowed her dark eyebrows in frustration as she tried again, and again to no avail. “Father, its Kotone. Please wake up,” she muttered, nudging at his shoulder, “strange people came to the apartment. They burned your important things, and chased me out. They said you’d be here.”

The rain coated everything it touched with a thin film of ice. It clung to the reinforced material of his flak jacket, his snowy hair, and the gaping, dark void where most of his throat should have been.

Monday, June 21, 2010



Also, Adam Lambert has Chou's hair xDD

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lolz xD

So yeah, I am in love with Chou's hair xDD Her name's said like "Shoe," not "cho" xD it's french for cabbage (also a term of endearment kinda xD)'Cause like... yeah, vegetables.

Molly and Li 7


“M...12....” The researcher’s eyes fluttered open as she charged, heavy, thundering steps shaking the ground beneath her

. Li pushed himself to his feet as he let out a sharp, frantic breath and threw himself ungracefully to crouch beside the helpless redhead’s trembling form, instinctively placing himself between Molly and the potential rampage. “Mary...?” he whispered, gingerly easing her into his arms “come on. I’m gonna get you outta here, alright? Everythin’s gonna be fine.. ”

He could call back Dolly or Ajax– either the Onix or the Machoke could potentially stop the angry mother pokemon, but the sudden gesture of drawing the pokeball, not to mention threatening an attack by calling them at all, could make her charge. Mary’s Doduo was out already, but he’d observed its attacks on the Arbok, and they’d been unrefined, and instinctual. It was a combination of companion, vehicle or perhaps a test subject, but it had never been trained to fight. Besides all of this, any kind of battle between the humongous pokemon in this small space could be disastrous. Mary could inadvertently be hurt or worse, not to mention the van full of joeys. The best he could hope for would be to slowly pick her up, get her onto the doduo’s back, and run like hell to the nearest help before–

With a high pitched shriek, Ed scrambled to his feet.

The furious Kangaskhan charged.

She blasted forward with a bloodcurdling growl towards the humans, giving Liam time to do nothing but grit his teeth, squeeze his eyes shut and shield the injured redhead as best he could and await the crushing impact that.... never happened.

Hesitantly, the blackbelt squeezed an eye open, and repressed another squeak at the solid wall of powerfully muscled, dusty pokemon blocking his field of vision almost entirely. M-12 was stamping and pawing anxiously at the ground before him, snorting and grunting and eyeing him warily, but she’d paused. “T-that’s a good girl...” Li stammered, his voice failing him, but he cleared his throat and continued, focusing not on the words, but on the tone. If he spoke calmly and gently, maybe she’d relax? He took a breath and tried again, one hand extended carefully, palm outward in what he hoped would be interpreted as a nonthreatening gesture. “E-easy...” the kangaskhan sniffed, jutting it’s head brusquely much too close for his liking, studying the woman in his arms struggling to breathe. “Oh...It’s Miss Cedar you’re interested in, hun? She’s your friend, remember? She tried to help your babies, and... and now she’s in a mighty bad state.” Somehow, she seemed to understand. Perhaps she’d been conscious enough to interpret her baby’s squeals, and could see well enough the state her observer was in. M12 snorted, and nudged at the woman, who now seemed to be going rigid in his arms, letting out a distressed grunt when the girl failed to respond.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Li xD

XDD this was from a while ago. It looks wonky.